
Five Qualities of Emotional Intelligence

The Berkeley Emotional Quotients and Index (BEQI [bek-ee]), has been designed to
    1. discern between different feelings, and be able to label them appropriately
    2. use emotional information to manage, and/or adjust emotions to adopt to environments or achieve one's goal(s)
    3. measure a person's ability to recognize, label, and enact change in response to their own emotions and those of others (perceived or anticipated)
Following is a general list of recommendations that when adopted will increase both your feature score(s) as well as your overall BEQI Index.


SELF AWARENESS:    Self Awareness is essential for dealing with the external effects of internal states (and vice versa), and is fundamental in achieving long term goals.   To increase your Self Awareness score consider implementing some of the following.
    • Find a mentor/coach that can spot your lack of self-awareness and guide you through the process of bridging your gaps.
    • Adopt/practice awareness techniques (e.g. meditation) and seek to mimic the behaviors of those with high Self Awareness.
    • Get some distance from people, settings and thoughts that inhibit who you want to become.
SELF REGULATION:    Self Regulation measure your ability to modulate your emotion and response to stressor(s). It plays an essential role in achieving, and managing immediate and long term goals/risks.  Consider some of the following for ways to improve your Self Regulation score.
    • Prioritize your health. Exercise. Sleep. These are fundamental.
    • Seek out and employ tools to learn how your emotions/reactions affect you and, in turn, those around you.
    • Record meetings, with one camera facing you and one facing a mentor or your team. Observe their reaction(s) to your actions, and vice versa.
MOTIVATION:    Motivation is closely associated with leadership skills, as well as with the dedicated pursuit of goals despite setbacks.  The implementation of some of the following will increase your Motivation score.
    • Use aspirational goals -- e.g. be director of so and so -- as a way to set up concrete goals, that can gradually increase in complexity and hardship. Dong so gradually leads you and prepares you for the demands associated with your goal(s).
    • Implement tools to measure your success. When you fail, understand what your measures tell you, and modify your actions accordingly.
    • Rest, exercise, and diet matter -- a lot.


EMPATHY:   Empathy tends to be most strongly represented on people that are sensitive to cultural and ethical differences. To increase your Empathy consider some of the the following recommendations.
    • Learn to listen and listen to learn.
    • Donate your time. Volunteer and/or mentor.
    • Take classes that will challenge and expose you to differing cultures and ethnicities.
SOCIAL SKILLS:   Social skill is associated with the successful managing of teams, and in the persuading of others onto your side.   Consider some of the following as ways by which to increase your Social Skill.
    • Join clubs for the purpose of developing your social skills. Cycling, yoga, micology, gardening, etc. -- whatever it is, your goal should be to learn to listen and to care for what others are doing.
    • Craft your social network with intent. Time is limited.  
    • Expose yourself to media and activities that widen your experience. You never know when that one random bit of information will come in handy.